Kids Crafts – Bird Houses

There’s nothing novel about painting wooden bird houses, but it’s a project that’s definitely worth doing with your kids if you’re looking for an end product you can actually keep and display (versus having it just sit in an “art” pile collecting dust).  The other great thing about this project is that it keeps the kids busy, entertained and quiet for at least 30-45  minutes (I’m sure you can appreciate the beauty in that if you have little ones around the house!).

I found the bird houses at Michael’s for $1 and my favorite paints to use these days are the Martha Stewart multi-surface paints.  They’re great to work with because they go on smooth and dry fast, and I also love that they come in so many bright and fresh colors.  The colors I used for this project were:  habenero, yellow jacket, surf and summer linen.

2 responses to “Kids Crafts – Bird Houses

  1. Andrea Leung

    and the best momma award goes to… 😀

    keep up the great work! Gives me great ideas for get togethers! hehe..

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